Cum comand daca nu sunt din Romania?

Livram comenzi numai in tarile membre ale UE.


Dupa ce faceti o comanda, va rugam sa asteptati, iar noi, in cel mai scurt timp o vom confirma, sau dupa caz, daca unele din produse nu sunt disponibile va anuntam.
Dupa aceasta etapa veti primi pe e-mail comanda finala, care va contine si taxele de livrare.

In acest moment puteti face plata folosind una din metodele disponibile pe site:

1. Visa, Mastercard, Maestro

2. PayPal

3. Transfer Bancar 

Preturile disponibile pe sunt exprimate in lei (RON).

Plata se poate efectua si in Euro, la cursul valutar al zilei aferent ING Bank. Se va calcula la cursul  Euro ING Cumpara!  

Termenul mediu de livrare este de 5 zile lucratoare de la efectuarea comenzii.

Va multumim ca ati comandat de la! :)


How to order if you`re not in Romania?

We deliver orders only EU countries.

Here's how to proceed:

After you place an order, please wait, and we, in no time we will confirm, or as appropriate, if some of the products are not available, we will inform you and we will make the necessary changes agreed.

After this you will receive an e-mail with the invoice (proforma), which will also include delivery costs.

At this point you can pay using one of the methods available on the site:

1. Visa, Mastercard, Maestro,

2. PayPal,

3. Direct Bank Transfer 

Prices on the website are quoted in RON (Romanian New Leu). 

The payment can be made in Euro as well, following the exchange rate of ING Bank.

The total amount of payment will be calculated using the exchange price for Euro available in the column ,,ING Cumpara''.

The average delivery time is 5 working days from placing the order.

Below you can find a table with the EU countries and shipping costs for each

Thank you for ordering from us! :)



Zona de livrare - prin DPD intl.

Cost livrare

Curierat International - Regional HU, BG

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 3-5 zile

Disponibilitate: Ungaria, Bulgaria

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 29 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 31 RON
3 kg. - 5 kg.: 36 RON
5 kg. - 10 kg.: 42 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 61 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 82 RON

Curierat International - Regional PL

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 3-5 zile

Disponibilitate: Polonia

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 23 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 27 RON
3 kg. - 5 kg.: 90 RON
5 kg. - 10 kg.: 119 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 155 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 187 RON

Curierat International - Regional GR

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 3-5 zile

Disponibilitate: Grecia

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 36 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 38 RON
3 kg. - 5 kg.: 52 RON
5 kg. - 10 kg.: 70 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 144 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 193 RON

Curierat International - Regional SK

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 3-5 zile

Disponibilitate: Slovacia

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 33 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 40 RON
3 kg. - 5 kg.: 195 RON
5 kg. - 10 kg.: 195 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 242 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 273 RON

Curierat International - Zona 2 PROMO

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 5-7 zile

Disponibilitate: Austria, Cehia, Germania

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 45 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 52 RON
3 kg. - 10 kg.: 58 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 65 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 91 RON

Curierat International - IT

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 5-7 zile

Disponibilitate: Italia

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 55 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 59 RON
3 kg. - 10 kg.: 71 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 78 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 103 RON

Curierat International - Zona 3 PROMO

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 5-7 zile

Disponibilitate: Belgia, Franta, Netherlands, Spania

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 65 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 86 RON
3 kg. - 10 kg.: 112 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 118 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 157 RON

Curierat International - Zona 3

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 5-7 zile

Disponibilitate: Croatia, Danemarca, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxembourg, Slovenia

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 130 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 226 RON
3 kg. - 10 kg.: 226 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 271 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 305 RON

Curierat International - Zona 4

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 6-10 zile

Disponibilitate: Finlanda, Portugalia, Suedia

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 177 RON
1 kg. - 3 kg.: 273 RON
3 kg. - 10 kg.: 273 RON
10 kg. - 20 kg.: 319 RON
20 kg. - 30 kg.: 353 RON




Zona de livrare - prin DHL

Cost livrare

DHL - Rutier, majoritatea tarilor

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 2-4 zile

Disponibilitate: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LU, LV, NL, PL, PT, SI, SE, SK

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 108 RON
1 kg. - 2 kg.: 142 RON
2 kg. - 3 kg.: 168 RON
3 kg. - 4 kg.: 194 RON
4 kg. - 5 kg.: 219 RON
5 kg. - 6 kg.: 238 RON


DHL - Aero, majoritatea tarilor

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 1 zile

Disponibilitate: AT, BE, BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LU, LV, NL, PL, PT, SI, SE, SK

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1.5 kg.: 139 RON
1.5 kg. - 2.5 kg.: 304 RON
2.5 kg. - 3 kg.: 323 RON
3 kg. - 3.5 kg.: 352 RON
3.5 kg. - 4 kg.: 385 RON
4 kg. - 4.5 kg.: 418 RON
4.5 kg. - 5 kg.: 451 RON


DHL - Rutier, zona 4

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 2-4 zile

Disponibilitate: Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1 kg.: 136 RON
1 kg. - 2 kg.: 168 RON
2 kg. - 3 kg.: 194 RON
3 kg. - 4 kg.: 219 RON
4 kg. - 5 kg.: 257 RON
5 kg. - 6 kg.: 264 RON


DHL - Aero, zona 4

Durata de livrare: Livrare in 1 zile

Disponibilitate: Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland

Grila de calcul in functie de greutate

0 kg. - 1.5 kg.: 140 RON
1.5 kg. - 2.5 kg.: 304 RON
2.5 kg. - 3 kg.: 326 RON
3 kg. - 3.5 kg.: 350 RON
3.5 kg. - 4 kg.: 385 RON
4 kg. - 4.5 kg.: 419 RON
4.5 kg. - 5 kg.: 450 RON
